Setup Your Tax Rates
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    Setup Your Tax Rates

      Article summary

      You may be required as a business to include tax in your transactions and invoices to your clients. We can automatically setup tax on every transaction your clients make on your storefront or within the members area. Tax will be inclusive of the retail rate that your client pays you and will not add the tax amount on top of your prices. So please ensure your retail pricing are set correctly to include tax. 

      Your tax information will be shown on the invoice we issue to your client from your own business, which will contain your business name and number listed in the Contact Information area.

      To setup tax, simply set the tax name and rate in your settings by following these instructions:

      Setting Your Tax Information

      1. Log in to the Reseller's Console.
      2. Hover your mouse over the Account Settings option.
      3. Select Storefront.
      4. Click the General Setup.
      5. Click the Update option adjacent to the Currency & Tax section.
      6. Choose the Tax Type from the dropdown.
      7. Type in your Local Tax Rate.
      8. Save the changes.