Setup Auto Billing
  • 4 Minutes to read

    Setup Auto Billing

      Article summary

      Our reseller platform has a fully integrated auto billing system to safe guard and ensure all domain names and products are always active and never expire.
      It can be devastating to a business when they simply forget to renew their domain name and causes several hours of downtime, which can be avoided with auto renewal!

      Currently auto billing is supported with credit card through our PayExpress gateway.
      The domain name or product will be renewed 7 days before its expiry date with advance notices to your customer to stop or disable auto renewal if required. If an auto renewal fails from a declined credit card payment, a notice will be sent to your customer advising of the failure with options on how to update their credit card details, or to renew manually.

      There are 2 different ways to setup auto billing, depending on your payment setup, its important to choose the right method depending on who will be billed and at which rate.
      Note: You will be able to see which credit card is assigned, and whether its your customer or own credit card in the reseller console.

      Setup Auto Billing Paid by Customers Credit Card

      Your customer can setup auto billing themselves in their account manager, or you can do this on their behalf if you know their credit card details. This method will charge the customers credit card at your retail rate.

      1. Log in to the Reseller Console. 
      2. Log in to your Customers Account and login as the member.
      3. Navigate to the domain name or product you would like to auto renew in the members area.
      4. Click the down arrow next to Auto Renew under the product details.
      5. Click On and add a new credit card or use a credit card already assigned to the member.
      6. Auto renewal is now enabled for this product!

      Setup Auto Billing Paid by Your/Resellers Credit Card

      You can setup auto billing for your domain names and products yourself if you manage the payments directly. This method will charge your credit card at your wholesale rate.

      1. Log in to the Reseller Console. 
      2. Navigate to the domain name or product you would like to auto renew in the reseller console.
      3. Click the Update next to Auto Renew under the product details.
      4. Choose which credit card to bill for this product or add a new card.
        Please note: adding new will be added as a 'Reseller Card'. Choosing a members credit card will be setup to bill their credit card at your retail rate and the card must be added first in the members area.
      5. Click On button and auto renewal is now enabled for this product!

      Important: The auto renewal status in the members area will be set to 'Off' when your reseller credit card is assigned, so the customer can setup (and overwrite) the auto billing to be under their own credit card.

      Disable Auto Billing 

      Disable Auto Billing in Members Area

      1. Log in to the Reseller Console. 
      2. Log in to your Customers Account and login as the member.
      3. Navigate to the domain name or product you would like to disable auto renew in the members area.
      4. Click the down arrow next to Auto Renew under the product details.
      5. Click Off button and auto renewal is now disabled for this product.

      Disable Auto Billing In Reseller Console

      1. Log in to the Reseller Console. 
      2. Navigate to the domain name or product you would like to disable auto renew in the reseller console.
      3. Click the Update next to Auto Renew under the product details.
      4. Click Off button and auto renewal is now disabled for this product.

      Manage Credit Cards & Auto Billing in Bulk

      Manage Payment Settings in Members Area

      The members area has a payment settings section where your customer can easily manage all their credit cards assigned to their account, as well as setup auto billing in bulk for all their domain names and products.

      Access the payment settings area for your customer by:

      1. Log in to the Reseller Console. 
      2. Log in to your Customers Account and login as the member.
      3. Hover over the profile name on the top right of the menu bar and select Payment Settings.
      4. Here you can:
      • Add a new credit card to the customer account.
      • Assign the card to show on the 'Checkout'. This option enables the credit card to be saved on the member account and show on the checkout page for fast and easy payments.
      • Delete the credit card from the customer account.
      • Bulk update the credit card auto billing. Simply click domain or product buttons and select from the tick boxes which products you would like to enable or disable from auto renewal.

      Manage Payment Settings in Reseller Console

      You can manage your credit cards under your Reseller account in the Reseller Console. Currently we do not support bulk auto renewal updates in the Console. To access your credit cards:

      • Log in to the Reseller Console. 
      • Click Deposit link in the top right header area.
      • On the right hand side under 'Current Balance', click Manage Saved Cards.
      • Here you can add a new credit card to your account and delete existing cards.

      Please note: Deleting a credit card that has been assigned for auto billing will remove auto billing from the product altogether. You will need to re-assign a new credit card to continue auto billing.