Payment Chargebacks
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    Payment Chargebacks

      Article summary

      What is a Payment Chargeback?

      A payment chargeback is when your client contacts their bank or payment processor and requests for the payment to be reversed or refunded, this usually happens when the client does not recognise the charge or has been charged an incorrect amount.
      Unfortunately, although we have strict measures and fraud checks in place to avoid payment chargebacks, they do happen in business.

      What We Do To Avoid Payment Chargebacks?

      If the order has been placed through our PayExpress credit card gateway, we ensure that the description on your clients credit card statement is your business name so they can identify the transaction straight away. Please note that our credit card gateway is located in Singapore and may show a 'SG" at the end of the description.

      All transactions placed through your Reseller Storefront are processed through our complex fraud detection system, which needs to pass certain checkpoints for the order to be placed and then activated. Any order that is flagged as suspect fraud will be sent an email from your business requesting more information from the client such as government issued ID or credit card details. Any transaction that we find does not meet our strict standards will be rejected and refunded.

      You may request us to setup any order that has been flagged as suspect fraud at any time, but at your own risk.

      What Can I Do To Avoid Payment Chargebacks?

      No matter at which activation step a transaction might be at, please contact us ASAP if you see an order within your account that you are not comfortable with or believe is fraudulent.
      We will be happy to assess the order and, if required, reject and refund the transaction to avoid any chargebacks on your account in future.
      Please note that not all transactions can be refunded back to your Reseller account after a certain amount of time, so please try to check all new orders on your account ASAP by enabling notifications

      What Happens When I Receive a Payment Chargeback?

      This chargeback article covers payments through our PayExpress credit card channel, payments through PayPal will be addressed between you and PayPal directly.
      If we unfortunately ever receive a chargeback request from your client, we simply act as your merchant account in this case and it is up to you as the Reseller to contact your client to address the situation. We are always happy to help if there are any pricing or payment concerns on the transaction.

      We recommend the best course of action is to communicate with your client and help them identify the payment is from your business and so they will then cancel the chargeback request.
      Alternatively, you can request the transaction to be refunded back to the credit card to stop the chargeback taking place, but we cannot guarantee we can fully refund the transaction to you.

      Timeline for Payment Chargebacks:

      1. Credit card holder places a dispute with their bank for the transaction.
      2. We receive a chargeback notification from our bank on one of your transactions
        • We will respond to the bank of your client ASAP with proof of the transaction and product from our side by sending a detailed email about the transaction and invoice showing the clients details.
        • An email will be sent to you from our support detailing the chargeback and to contact your client to resolve and cancel the chargeback with their bank.
      3. You advise us to refund the transaction or that your client will be cancelling the chargeback or provide us more information on the situation.
      4. The bank will resolve the case by finding in your favour, or that your client cancelled the chargeback, or by awarding the client the chargeback and full refund.

      What Happens If The Payment Chargeback Was Successful?

      Most banks will rule in your favour once they see the detailed email from us about the transaction and invoice relating to the client. In some situations, the bank will side with the client, which is out of our control. If a payment chargeback is successful, as per our Reseller Agreement, we will need to add the following charges to you:

      • Retail rate for the transaction (usually full invoice amount) will be debited from your Reseller credit as the payment has been reversed.
        • For pro-rata applicable products, such as web hosting, you can request to cancel the product and we will be able to provide a pro-rata refund for the time remaining.
        • Some products like domain names, cannot be refunded once registered and so are not applicable to pro-rata refunds.
      • A chargeback fee of $22 AUD per transaction will be debited from your Reseller credit for the charge from the merchant.

      Where Can I Get Further Help?

      We recommend that you understand how payment chargebacks work and all the information from popular banks in your country on their processes. Here are some helpful articles we have found: