Domain Name FAQ
  • 4 Minutes to read

    Domain Name FAQ

      Article summary

      What do the domain name statuses mean?

      You will see different domain name statuses in your Reseller Console/API for the many different steps of a domain names lifecycle:

      Registered - the most common status, it means your domain name is registered and active!

      Renewal Due - the domain name is less than 90 days away from its expiry date and it's recommended to be renewed. If you use our storefront we have already sent a renewal notice to your client to renew the domain name.

      Expired - the domain name has past its expiry date and would be removed from any DNS zone, which means it wouldn't be working. Domains will remain in this status for 30 days or until renewed/deleted.

      Pending - the domain name application has been received and we will process it usually within a few seconds. (.au domains usually take 2-3 minutes) If this status remains on the domain name for longer, we may be doing a fraud check on the account. Please see here for more information about our fraud check process.

      Awaiting Info - the domain name that has been applied for requires valid eligibility to register the domain name. This status means the eligibility information that has been provided on application is not valid and we require more information to register the domain name. Please check the notifications for this member to see what information has been requested.

      Transfer Pending - the application for transfer has been received but the confirmation email has not yet been confirmed. If there is an error on email confirmation, that issue will need to be corrected (like remove domain lock) before the email confirmation can be accepted again.

      Transfer In - the domain name transfer has been confirmed and everything is underway. Transfers can take some time to transfer to us, please see here for approximate transfer times.

      Transfer Out - the domain name is being transferred out to another Registrar. Please contact us ASAP if this looks to be in error.

      EPP Error - there was an issue with the registration or renewal of the domain name on the Registry. Our support team will handle these automatically and within the business day. Please contact us if the domain has this status for a long period.

      Auto Billing Failed - the auto billing for renewal of a domain name has failed for one of many reasons (such as credit card declined), a notice has been sent to your client advising of this and the domain name can be renewed manually at any time.

      How do I change the Registrant of my domain name?

      To change the legal holder/owner of a domain name registration, as per registry policies, we need to process a Change of Ownership (COO) request. The registrant transfer consists of a transferor (old registrant) and a transferee (new registrant). In order to successfully complete registrant transfer, you must provide to us a complete Domain Transfer of Ownership form. 

      The information on this form must be correct, valid and satisfy the requirements set out by the related registry operator. Please find the download links for the forms of your preferred currency below:

      AUD: dreamscape_domain_transfer_au.pdf
      NZD: dreamscape_domain_transfer_nz.pdf
      USD: dreamscape_domain_transfer_us.pdf
      GBP: dreamscape_domain_transfer_uk.pdf
      INR: dreamscape_domain_transfer_in.pdf

      You may update these form to show your own logo and your own price (and so make profit), but the content and conditions cannot be changed.

      My domain name is in Redemption Period, how do I renew it?

      Some Registries allows Registrants to redeem & renew their domain name even when it's past the Renewal Grace Period. In this phase, the domain name will transition from Expired to Redemption state. 

      During Redemption Grace Period (RGP), the registry will prohibit a standard renewal or domain name transfers. The registrant may renew their domain in this state by paying the applicable Redemption fee set by each Registry. A domain name can be redeemed by filling out the following form matching your reseller currency:

      AUD: dreamscape_domain_redemption_au.pdf
      NZD: dreamscape_domain_redemption_nz.pdf
      USD: dreamscape_domain_redemption_us.pdf
      GBP: dreamscape_domain_redemption_uk.pdf
      INR: dreamscape_domain_redemption_in.pdf

      You may update these form to show your own logo and your own price (and so make profit), but the content and conditions cannot be changed. 

      What is a Domain Name Backorder service? 

      We will automatically offer your customers an option of a "Backorder" when they search for a domain name that is already registered on your Storefront. Our backorder system will scan and monitor the domain name when it expires or gets deleted, and aims to register it as soon as it becomes available. The Backorder follows a ‘first come, first serve’ principle due to the possibility that other providers are also attempting to process a Backorder for the same domain name. The first year of registration is included for free for successful back order domain names. 

      Can you remove your Registrar name in a WHOIS search?

      No, unfortunately this is not possible. As a reseller you are re-selling domains registered by our Registrar, and all Registries require the Registrar to be listed in a WHOIS search. Our Registrar name is usually set as Dreamscape Networks International or Web Address Registration, which does not have an advertised brand name attached.