cPanel DNS Management for Customers
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    cPanel DNS Management for Customers

      Article summary

      How to Manage DNS in cPanel

      If you have a web hosting product with us, DNS management can be done through the Zone Editor inside the cPanel. The Zone Editor interface allows you to easily create, edit, and delete the DNS records of your domain name.
       This page will guide you on where to properly configure your DNS settings and how to access the cPanel from your My Account page. 


      Access the Zone Editor in cPanel

       To be able to access the Zone Editor in cPanel, you need to log in to your account first. Follow the steps provided below:

      1. Log in to Account Manager.
      2. On the top-bar menu, click Web Hosting. If it shows a list of web hosting plans, find and click the one that you need to manage.
      3. Click Control Panel.
      4. On the Control Panel page, scroll down to the Domains section and select Zone Editor.



      The next set of instructions will guide you on how to add, modify, and delete a DNS record through the Zone Editor in cPanel.


      • Adding a DNS Record 
      • Modifying a DNS Record 
      • Deleting a DNS Record



      Adding a DNS Record


      1. On the Zone Editor interface, click  Manage for the domain name you want to update. A new interface with your list of DNS records will appear.

      2. Click +Add Record.

        You can also click next to +Add Record and select the desired record type from the menu.

      3. Enter the record’s information on the fields provided. See the screenshot below as an example.

      4. Click Add Record to complete the process.


      Modifying a DNS Record


      1. On the Zone Editor interface, click  Manage for the domain name you want to modify. A new interface with your list of DNS records will appear.

      2. Locate the record you want to modify and click Edit. See the screenshot below as an example.

      3. Update the necessary information and click Save Record to confirm.



      Deleting a DNS Record


      1. On the Zone Editor interface, click  Manage for the domain name you want to modify. A new interface with your list of DNS records will appear.

      2. Locate the record you want to remove and click Delete. See the screenshot below as an example.
      3. Click Continue on the prompt box to confirm.


      Please note that the cPanel DNS settings will only work if the domain name is pointed to the following Name Servers:

      With Reseller web hosting product


      With web hosting from Openhost

