Change Your Reseller Account's Business Information
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    Change Your Reseller Account's Business Information

      Article summary

      You should ensure that all business information in your account are always valid and up to date. These business details are significant for the communication between you and your client. The contact information here will be used as your business details on the invoices to your client, and within your Terms and Conditions.

      You can update your contact information by following the instructions below:

      Update Reseller Account's Business Information

      1. Log in to the Reseller's Console.
      2. Click the dropdown menu in the upper-right corner of the screen.
      3. Select Account Profile.
      4. Click the Update option beside the Contact Information label.
      5. Update all the outdated information within the Account Contact section.
      6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click Save.

      Update Contact Information on your Contact Us Page

      The contact details that are displayed on your contact page are different to the business details above so you can provide different information for pre-sales or support. Please note that domain name registries require all Resellers to have valid contact information on their Storefront.

      1. Log in to the Reseller's Console.
      2. Hover your mouse over the Account Settings option.
      3. Select Storefront.
      4. Click the General Setup.
      5. Click the Update option adjacent to the Contact Page section.
      6. Input the contact information you want to display on your contact page.
      7. Save the changes.