Account Manager DNS Management Guide for Customers
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    Account Manager DNS Management Guide for Customers

      Article summary

      How to Manage DNS in the Account Manager

      The Account Manager is a user-friendly portal that allows you to easily review your products and services, renew or upgrade your plans, manage your domain names, and most importantly, fix DNS-related issues.  
      Note: Only applicable for domain names registered with us.
       This page will guide you on how to configure your DNS records in the Account Manager.

      Access the DNS Settings in Account Manager

       DNS management is done via the DNS Settings panel inside the Account Manager. Follow these steps on where to find the DNS Settings.

      1. Log in to Account Manager.
      2. On the top-bar menu, click Domains. If it shows a list of your domains, find and click the one that you need to manage.
      3. Scroll down to DNS Settings.


      Use the next set of instructions on how to add, modify, and delete a DNS record through the Account Manager. 


      • Adding a DNS Record
      • Modifying a DNS Record
      • Deleting a DNS Record



      Adding a DNS Record


      1. On the DNS Settings panel, click the icon and select Add Record.

      2. Click next to A Record and select the type of DNS record you need to set up, then click Add. See the screenshot below as an example.

      3. Type in the required DNS record on the fields provided.
      4. Click Update to add the record.



      Modifying a DNS Record


      1. On the DNS Settings panel, choose the type of record you need to edit from the list.
      2. Hover your mouse at the right side of your chosen record and click Modify.

      3. Edit the fields you need to modify and click Update to confirm changes.



      Deleting a DNS Record


      1. On the DNS Settings pane, choose the type of record you need to delete.
      2. Hover your mouse at the right side of your chosen record and click Modify.

      3. Choose the specific record and click Delete.
      4. Click Update to confirm.


      Please note that the DNS records will only work in the Account Manager if the domain name is pointed to the following Name Servers:

      Domain name is registered through Reseller Storefront


      Domain name is registered with Openhost


      • ns1/2/
      • ns1/2/
      • ns1/2/
      • ns1/2/
      • ns1/2/